Bring Wholeness to your life – live by the Six Guiding Pillars of the Shin Dao:
- Develop Your Body
- Inspire Your Mind
- Open Your Heart
- Elevate Your Spirit
- Grow Your Abundance
- Embrace Your Warrior Spirit

Experience the Magic of Life – live by these 12 tenets (principles):
- Connect with the Earth
- Let Go of Your Busy-ness
- Celebrate the Present
- Seek Meaning to Your Life
- Embrace Life, Embrace the Sacred
- Love Freely, Love Deeply
- You Affect Others
- You Never Walk Alone
- You Are the Light
- Celebrate Life’s Little Joys
- Your Body is a Temple
- Go in Peace
Live from your Heart, Follow your Bliss… and Be the Love you want in your life!

Become a Shin Daoist – walk the Path of the Shin Dao, living the Way of the Heart.
Shin Dao System of Transformation™
The most unique transformational process in the world, based on the four guiding pillars and the twelve life-enhancing tenets of the Shin Dao – the Way of the Heart.

Beginners Mind
Gain CLARITY about WHO you are and WHAT truly matters to you!

Master Series
Become unshakably CLEAR about what you are CAPABLE of… and what you once perceived as impossible becomes Possible!