Wherever you are in the world on March 23rd, please participate in the Peace Walk by taking a peaceful walk in your neighborhood, or simply taking a few moments to focus on peace. The more people with this focus at the same time of 2:00 – 3:00pm Mtn, the greater the impact we will make!

Join us for this family-friendly event!
The Peace Walk – Saturday, March 23rd at 2:00 pm MTN Daylight time.
- Join us live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada – meet us at the Peace Bridge downtown (details below).
- If you live elsewhere in the world, gather at the same time with a few friends to join us on your walk.
WHY a Peace Walk?
To counter-balance the chaos, anxiety, and fear that is prevalent on our planet.
To encourage peace, kindness, and compassion by gathering together to send a positive ripple of peace into the world.
Mark your calendar with a recurring event – the Peace Walk normally takes place on the LAST SATURDAY of EVERY MARCH. (Changed this year only to accommodate the Easter weekend.)
You may sign up below to receive email notices of future Peace Events in Calgary (your email will be used for no other purpose than to keep you informed at Peace Events):
11th Peace Walk – Calgary
- Begin with a Prayer/Meditation to connect with our own inner peace
- Walk across the Peace Bridge
- Pause and Sing “Channel for Peace” (click link to watch video to learn the tune and lyrics)
- Take a short Walk (accompanied by recorded conscious music from Anthony Burbidge, Daniel Nahmod, John Lennon, etc), stopping at a few points to Share Peace Quotes.
- Note: NEW shorter 2km walk makes the event more accessible.
- Hand out Peace Rocks to people along the route and/or leave them in places for people to find (You can create your own rocks to share – sharpie pens work well to write messages like “peace” “love” “Joy” “Compassion” and “Kindness” on river rocks. Or get creative and paint some rocks!) We will also have rocks on hand for you to share.
(Click here to watch CTV News coverage of the 2017 Peace Walk)
We meet at the north end of the Peace Bridge shortly before 2:00pm (red pedestrian bridge on Memorial Drive at 8th street west) and take a short stroll along the Bow River. NEW shorter 2km walk makes the event more accessible.

- Small rocks with Peace messages written on them to hand out to people and/or leave on the walkroute. (No worries. If this is a challenge, we will also have a large supply of rocks to hand out.)
- A water bottle to stay hydrated (Unity of Calgary is graciously donating 10 filled stainless steel bottles to the first 10 people to arrive at the Peace Bridge)
- Optional: A small sign to carry with a peace sign, or your own peace message.
eg. “Peace begins with YOU!” or “Peace starts within”
Peace Song
This will be the sixth year we sing the song that was ‘channeled’ to one of the organizers as an Anthem for our peace walk. We invite you to watch the video to learn this song and sing it with us at the Peace Walk… or any time you’d like to bring more peace into your world!
Why Participate?
The Peace Walk is a gathering of diverse souls with a common intention to awaken the heart of humanity to embrace peaceful living. This is YOUR opportunity to take a stand for peace and make a difference.
Peace begins within and is amplified by joining together in community. More people gathering and walking together will flow even more peaceful energy out into the world, giving us the opportunity to Be the Cause for change.
Please join this group of conscious-minded, open-hearted people who want to make a Peace-full difference in the world… and Be the Cause for Peace in YOUR world!
Please invite your friends and family to join us. Share news of the Peace Walk on your social media platforms and use #peacewalk in your posts.
Visit us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PeaceWalkCalgary

Peace Rocks!
On the walk, we’ll share songs about Peace and place Peace Rocks – small rocks with the words Peace/Love/Joy written on them – in random places along the route to be found by pedestrians at some point.
We know this practice of leaving rocks downtown has a positive impact. After our 2015 walk, we received this photo of four-year-old Tristan, who found a peace rock while walking downtown with his father. His find ignited a beautiful conversation about what Peace means. Four years later, this peace rock still held a special place on a shelf in Tristan’s bedroom.
You are also invited to share Peace Rocks with people we encounter along the walk route. You are invited to bring your own rocks, or share the rocks we will have on hand that were decorated by students of Sir Winston Churchill High School, and volunteers from the Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living, and the Unity of Calgary Spiritual Community.
Click the images below to see video footage from the 2017 Peace Walk.
History of the Calgary Peace Walk
The first two years the walk was hosted by the Joy of Life Centre for Spiritual Living. The following year, the Joy of Life Centre invited Spiritual Leaders from various communities to join forces and create the informal Calgary New Thought Alliance with the intent to raise consciousness and promote peace. They chose to collaboratively host two successful events in Calgary, The Peace Concert and The Walk for Peace, in celebration of The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence (SNV). The annual 64 day SNV season (co-founded in 1998 by Dr. Arun Gandhi and The Association for Global New Thought) is an educational, media and grassroots awareness campaign that has seen participation in 67 countries around the world since its inception. Spanning the period of January 30th to April 4th (the memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) the campaign focuses educational and media attention on the philosophy of attaining peace through nonviolent action. 2024 marks the 26th Annual SNV.
In the fall of 2015, the Calgary Peace Walk became an event of its own, no longer affiliated with any particular group, expanding its scope beyond Spiritual leaders to include conscious Calgarians from all walks of life. The Calgary Peace Walk has evolved into a free, family-friendly event that gives people the opportunity to feel they are making a positive difference in the world.
Peace Walk Organizers, Sponsors and Volunteers
Organizer, Tina Thrussell, Shin Dao Institute www.shindao.com
Organizer, Lance Rath, Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living www.calgarycsl.org
Organizer, Spiritual Leadership Team, Unity of Calgary www.unityofcalgary.org
Attendees of the Unity of Calgary Spiritual Community;
Attendees of the Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living;
Student volunteers from Sir Winston Churchill High School