I was thinking of a friend this morning who had made a commitment promise to someone they love. That promise was made during a time of certain living conditions.
Sometime later, the person they had made the commitment promise to had created a change in their living conditions. Now my friend is struggling with the question, “Do I honour my word and keep the promise, even when I don’t feel good about making that promise under these new conditions?”
I was thinking about his situation this morning, and the words popped into my head, “Ignoring your own needs for the sake of others is a recipe for regret.”
I don’t think this was my ego speaking. I feel this was a direct message from a Higher Power.
It’s all well and good to be a person of our word,,, yet when keeping your word puts you in conflict with your values, and what’s important to you, it seems it would be more appropriate to de-commit than follow through and regret you made that promise later.
That’s the whole message, and I won’t belabour it.
Whether you agree or disagree with this message, I would love to hear your thoughts about this message. You can write to me at info@shindao.com