From the Nov 9th, 2021 edition of “Heart and Mind Matters”
“In all things of Nature, there is something of the Marvelous.” – Aristotle
The first of the twelve tenets of the Shin Dao is “Connect with the Earth”. On our recent trip to the beautiful island of Prince Edward Island, on the east coast of Canada, I (Tina) certainly took every opportunity I could to connect with the Earth:
I stood barefoot in the long, lush grass of the backyard of our temporary home in historic downtown Charlottetown (we were blessed to be staying in an AirBnB which was a lovely heritage house converted into apartments) whenever I was waiting for the others to rally around to head out on another driving tour.
I took my shoes off whenever we hit a stretch of park when we were walking around the city of Charlottetown.
I walked barefoot on the beaches and forests we visited, despite the bitterly cold wind. My traveling companions (my husband, Neil, his sister, Glenda, her husband, Metro and their son, Landon) but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to draw in some of that wonderfully healing electro-magnetic energy of the Earth.
Rather than describe my experiences of the Marvelous in Nature, I thought I’d share with you a few of my photos. Enjoy!

This is such a tiny sampling of the 500+ photos I took in the 7 days we were in PEI… but hopefully there are enough photos here to give you an idea of what a place of natural beauty that our province of Prince Edward Island, in Eastern Canada is!
Speaking of natural beauty, I came across this youtube video called “25 Greatest Natural Wonders of the World” – enjoy!