by Tina Thrussell
A few weekends ago, Timothy read to me a to a long list of sad statistics about the state of the world from one of Brian Klemmer’s books, and then emotionally added, “Now, more than ever, the world needs conscious leaders to step up… Will you?”
(In all honesty, Timothy read this to the entire group sitting in the Klemmer Personal Mastery workshop I was participating in in October, but it was like he was reading it just to me.) My heart was deeply touched by this question. Tears welled up as I felt a strong calling, “Yes, I have more to give to the world. I need to step up as a leader!”
Later that night, I felt confusion and consternation. I mean, I’ve already stepped up as a leader all my life! In every group situation I’m in, I naturally slip into a leadership role… it’s in my genes! I sat on the Board of Directors at unity of Calgary for 3 years, I volunteer in various places, and I’ve been creating and facilitating a whole host of life-enhancing experiences for people over the last two decades: Living from the Heart podcasts, ISGI Readings, Shin Dao sessions, Nia classes, Galya Journeys, seminars, workshops, retreats, Women’s Circles… That’s a long list of contribution! So, what’s with this heart-wrenching pull to do more and ‘step up’ as a leader?
I’m going to be vulnerable here. Despite all I’ve done, I have to admit that in the back of my mind, it was never enough. I couldn’t do enough, I couldn’t be enough. Can you relate to that thought pattern? (Honestly, everyone can relate to this at some point, in some area of their life.) That insidious, subconscious belief that I was not enough really undermined my well-being. When that belief was combined with my deep sensitivity to the energies over the last three years, I shrank away not only from leadership roles, but even from living life fully.
For now, I will say this… “I’m back and ready to play big. No more shrinking!”
Playing big, for me, means standing up as a great leader – in my own life and within the world that I live in. Being a great leader means working towards a win for all parties involved, so that everyone’s a winner.
Great leaders are willing to SHINE… and to help others shine. A great leader shares their gifts, talents and skills from a place of sincerity, from a place of love, caring, compassion, kindness and genuine desire to make a difference (Not just to be liked or accepted, as people-pleasers are prone to do. I’ll be honest and admit that I’m a recovering people-pleaser. Are you a people-pleaser?) A great leader also encourages others to believe in themselves, to share their gifts and talents and make a difference.
On the last day of that workshop where Timothy asked that powerful question, “Will you?”, they offered a 5-day Advanced Leadership Seminar in January in Texas. I really didn’t have the funds required for the registration fee, never mind the airfare, meals and accommodations! But the thought that I want to step up – no, I am called to step up – to be a better leader, for myself and the world, was pulling me.
I experienced a defining moment when a deep sense of knowing that saying yes to attending this experiential learning opportunity was saying yes to me and to future opportunities in my life. Saying no would mean a metaphorical no to myself for the rest of my life.
I signed up, trusting that the way to pay would reveal itself. (I put into practice what Neil and I teach when we facilitate the Passion Test and I decided to focus on the intention of attracting the money I needed and let go of the “how” it will happen.)
Putting faith and trust in the Universe works. The very next day I received a completely unexpected cheque in the mail from an investment I’d made 15 years ago, and never thought I’d see another dollar for! Wow. I was on my way to manifesting my intention! (Have you ever had one of the synchronistic experiences that feels like you are being supported?)
Coming back to what I shared in my last blog about not sharing our gifts being an injustice to the world…
Marianne Williamson said, “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberate others.”
I therefore intend to shine brighter than ever before. I believe the Advanced Leadership Seminar is another step in that direction…
Which means I still have to attract another good sum of dollars in order to attend the training in January (less than 90 days)!
I’ll skip sharing the subconscious beliefs I’ve held around money that would typically interfere with manifesting my intention to attract the resources I need to be at the leadership training, (do you have unsupportive money beliefs, too?) and go straight to saying, “Why not?”
The universe helped me out with that unexpected cheque; taking intentional action might be helpful, too.
Here’s a chance to step up as a great leader… offer a win-win-win situation!
(Last week, as a way to move me forward in my commitment to share my gifts, I set the goal to support 20 or more people over the next 90 days through my powerful Shin Dao sessions and ISGI Readings. And today I see that this intention IS an opportunity to be a great leader by ensuring that everyone wins with this offer.
Ways You WIN:
- Feel Relaxed, Peaceful, Calm, Lighter, Joyful, Release pain, grief, anxiety, depression… by booking a Shin Dao session for yourself
- Get Answers to your questions, Greater Clarity and Certainty, gain Guidance for moving ahead by booking an ISGI Reading for yourself.
- Make gift-giving easy on yourself by buying session/Reading gift certificates for loved ones.
- Feel great knowing you played a role in helping your loved ones enjoy these benefits and feel great!
- Earn $10 cash or $25 off your next session/reading with me for every loved one you refer to me who receives a session AND feel good knowing you played a role in helping them feel great!
Ways I win:
- I get to feel good knowing I’m on purpose, sharing my light, love and joy with those I work with.
- I collect monies to apply to my leadership training.
- There is often a bit of healing for me that happens with sessions I facilitate for others.
Ways the world wins:
- We send a ripple of peace into the world. (When people are calmer and more peaceful, they have calmer, more peaceful interactions with others.)
- The domino effect of each of us feeling great will cascade into the world we interact with, helping others feel great, too.
- The world is a better place when each of us is in a healthier state, because we have more to give.
- After the leadership training, I will be an even more conscious leader, prepared to act upon my vision of a Kinder, more Compassionate world.
I would be most honored to share an energy dance with you and your loved ones in either of these win-win-win situations. (And maybe with a Passion Test process or a healing Galya Movement Journey.)
No matter what you choose, “Everyone’s a winner!”
Please feel free to call me for more information, or click the link to visit our “Support from Tina” page that lists the many ways I can support you.
There’s also beautiful feedback from people who have received support from me, to suggest that you, too, can experience Relief from Pain (through Release of Blockages), restore hopefulness, feel energized and revitalized…
P.S. Another win-win-win would be to refer me to organizations/companies that require facilitators/speakers for their Professional Development days, company retreats, Conferences, etc.
Do you know anyone you could refer me to? (Remember, amongst the win-win-wins are referral rewards for you).
My website shares testimonials that indicate I have much to offer in this arena.
Thank you for considering these win-win-win opportunities.
You are giving me the opportunity to shine my light… and I would be honored to create the space for you to shine your light!