Heart And Mind Matters Tina Thrussell

A Sacred Vow

I subscribe to the Daily Om Even though I receive a daily message from this wonderful resource, it doesn’t mean I read it daily. I tend to read only what I am ‘called’ to read in the moment.  I was called to read the Oct 23rd issue, and I can clearly see why – it speaks to something I wanted to say in my Oct 20th talk at Unity, but somehow didn’t get around to.

My talk was “Listening to Divine Guidance” (video below is a capture of that talk). One of the things I had intended to say was, “Listening to Divine Guidance begins with the decision to be open enough to hear.” Setting such an intention and declaring it daily is like making a vow.  Here is what the Daily Om had to say about this:

Echoes of Power

A sacred vow, once spoken, becomes a part of your existence forever.

When we make a promise, a subtle yet powerful shift takes place in our souls, where intentions are housed. A vow is both a tool we employ in order to facilitate transformation within ourselves and an expression of will. Making an oath communicates to the universe and our deeper selves our commitment to the principles most important to us. Fulfilling a sacred vow — whether it is as complex as “until death do us part” or as simple as “I promise” — challenges us, exercising our willpower and aiding personal growth.

When we speak a sacred vow out loud, as opposed to simply reciting it in our minds or writing it on paper, our voices project our promises into the deepest reaches of the universe. It is important that we remember that a vow made with the sincerest of intentions has the power to carry on past our earthly lifetimes. A well-chosen promise encourages commitment and dedication.

A sacred vow, once spoken, becomes a part of your existence forever. Your view of the world around you may change, and your predominant thoughts and feelings will no doubt evolve with time. But the spirit in which your oaths were spoken will remain unaffected. It is up to you to determine how you will stay true to your vows while your inner and outer worlds transform. Your strength and character will inevitably be tested, as circumstances can make keeping promises a challenge, but after you have shown yourself to be steadfast, your appreciation of the sanctity of vows will be cemented in your mind and soul.

As I say in my talk below, my vow is “With an Open Heart, I listen to Divine Guidance to make my world beautiful.”  Declaring this vow daily has made a meaningful impact on my life.

What will be your vow today?

What is your vow for this phase of your life?

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