An affirmative message worth repeating from the Monday, December 16, 2024 issue of “Daily Word” (slightly adapted) :
“Illness can be one of life’s more vexing experiences. If I am having a health challenge, it helps to remember I am a beloved child of the Higher Power – a part of everything that is. The Divine within me is the light that helps me realize wholeness, the enduring truth of my being.
Even in the presence of illness, the Source of All is present. I claim my healing when I realize my Oneness with this Divine Source.
Of course, I also do what is necessary to care for my body and mind. I may seek healing treatments and make sure I have good nutrition and decent rest. But spiritually, I heal when I understand and accept I am so much more than my body. I am grateful for my wholeness and the healing that helps me realize it.”
Affirm out loud, “As I remember my Divine Identity, I claim my healing.”
If you require assistance opening your heart to self-love, higher purpose, feeling whole, or if you need help healing on any level (physically, mentally or emotionally) consider a comforting, healing Shin Dao session with Tina. Bookings can be made at