Heart And Mind Matters Life Things to Think about Tina Thrussell

The moon shines even when it’s a sliver – do you?

I am SO blessed!  One of my dear Nia students had heard about the difficult time I had with my health earlier this year and she took a moment after class last week to tell me how much she appreciates that I’m back teaching.  She said some other lovely things that really touched me, and later in the day, I felt compelled to text her with sincere thanks for taking the time to tell me that I matter and make a difference. (My phone was glitching and I couldn’t call out!)

My expression of gratitude led us to a lovely text conversation and she sent me this very beautiful poem by Angi Sullins that I immediately knew I wanted to share with you:

the next time

you refuse to sing

because you’ll never

fill a stadium

or decline the joy of dance

for fear of looking


or you resist risking

the new adventure

because you’re

not entirely ready or

you dim your shine

because you’re not

completely healed and whole

the next time

you hold yourself suspect

because you’re not

entirely qualified

just remember

a bird doesn’t sing

because it’s talented

a bird sings because

it has a song

the moon doesn’t only shine

when it’s whole

it can show up with

a single sliver of itself

and still light an entire

night sky

show up. sing. shine.

the world needs you

as you are.

I found this poem very powerful.  It spoke to something I’ve often been guilty of… not doing something because I wasn’t ‘good enough’ or ‘ready enough’.  Man!  Life is too short to let fear of falling ‘short’ stop us from doing what we want to do!  We are here to experience all the joys (and miseries) that this life has to offer.  We are here to share all of who we are, as we are. There’s no point in holding back…. After all, a bird doesn’t sing because it’s talented, a bird sings because it has a song!

At times, I have been guilty of hiding my light, of not shining because I felt like a ‘sliver’ of myself… but the moon shines, regardless whether it’s whole or a sliver of itself.  And I am committing to shine my light, no matter how big or small I may judge it to be…

How about you?  Are you willing to be okay with being who you are, exactly as you in this moment?  I’d love to hear your thoughts about this.  You can write to us at  or call 403-285-5266.

Here’s to showing up, singing and shining!!

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