Things to Think about

Women are facing huge transitions today.

Many, if not most, women are facing huge transitions today – empty nesting (childrenWomen Joy leaving home), separation, divorce, career change.

If you are experiencing any of these types of major changes in your life, you may be left feeling lost, distressed, overwhelmed and confused. Transitions like these can leave you longing to know who you are now and what you want at this point in your life.

No wonder! Our society doesn’t exactly provide you with any skills or training to deal with the reality of creating a new life for yourself.  In fact, society has hindered your capacity to face the question, “What now?” by teaching you to live by a set of principles that actually do quite the opposite!

You’ve indirectly been taught to live by a set of limiting principles that take their toll on your physical, mental and emotional health.

What are these principles and how do they affect you?

Limiting Principle # 1: Feel obligated to put others’ needs first. 

You have been conditioned to do this since the time you were a small child and this is subtly telling you that everyone else in the world is more important than you, that you do not deserve to have your needs met. Putting everyone else first is sending a subconscious message that you are not worthy… of self-care or anything else that makes you happy. “7 secrets” shows you how to remain a caring, kind and generous person, without subjecting yourself to this damaging obligation.

Limiting Principle # 2: Give more than you receive. 

You want to make a positive difference in the world, and you believe giving more is the way to do it… but see yourself as a pitcher of liquid.  The liquid represents your energy. When you keep pouring that liquid (your energy) out, what happens?  The pitcher (YOU) becomes empty and ironically, becomes useless to the world.  “7 secrets” shows you how to keep your pitcher filled so that you have more of you to share with the world.

Limiting Principle # 3: Be responsible for everyone and everything in your life.

Taking on responsibility for the happiness of others and the satisfactory outcome of every event and situation you are involved in, is not only exhausting – it’s virtually impossible!  In the end, all you succeed at, is feeling resentful, alone and used.  “7 secrets” shows you how to empower yourself – and your loved ones – to generate your own happiness and be at ease, whatever the outcome is.

These three limiting principles have generated a set of beliefs that are wearing you down, draining your confidence and stealing the joy from your life.

The good news is that it is possible to reverse the mental, emotional and psychological damage caused by these principles and beliefs. It IS possible to learn to love who you are, be clear about what you want and have the courage to follow your bliss with unwavering commitment and joyful freedom… without feeling obligated to put others’ needs first, giving more than you receive or being responsible for everyone and everything in your life.

You CAN stop falling victim to inhibiting thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviours and become the empowered woman you’ve always wanted to be!

You have the power to Stop longing for a better life and Start Living it with 7 Secrets for Living a More Joyful, Fulfilling Life.  

Simply enter your name and email address below right now to receive your gift of this complimentary, quick-to-read Guidebook and Video package – an invaluable tool for building a new, more joyful and fulfilling life for yourself.

Don’t waste another day falling victim to limiting principles and beliefs.  Free yourself from the pain of losing any more of your energy and life force by Downloading your COMPLIMENTARY 7 Seven Secrets right now.

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