I love to start and end my day with inspirational reading. Sometimes I have enough time to read a whole chapter of a book. Some days it’s just a few paragraphs. Most days, I include a reading from the Daily Word publication. Now and then, a friend will surprise me with something inspirational.
That happened yesterday. My friend, Barefoot Brent, who left the rat race of first world living to go live on the land in Mexico, has been inspired to write poetry… and send me some of his poems. This one struck me as a kind of prayer for all humanity, and I thought I would share it with you:
“Lord, thy will be done
to return humanity back to one
Let war be finished
Let egos be diminished
Allow peace to shine
For society to be Divine
Bring us back to source
Put us back on course
Back to One Love
Awaiting just above.”
It seems in every aspect of my life, from the teachings I share, the teachings I listen to, the conversations I have with friends, the podcasts I hear, the writings I read…. the message is the same. Love is the answer. Remembering that each of us is Divine Love at our true essence, and we are here on Earth to shine that love brightly.
May you feel inspired to shine today. Whether that simply means smiling and saying hi to a stranger, offering an act of kindness, singing a joyful song, or taking a walk in nature… may you align with the philosophy of Shin Dao – the Way of the Heart.
Shine, my friend. Bring more light and love to the world!
(and I know I speak freely for Neil Thrussell, too)