“Today I envision a peaceful world. I imagine harmony and cooperation inspiring the minds and hearts of all people. Like a lake that has been disturbed momentarily by movement, I see fear and anger dissipating, ripples fading into the distance as the surface of the water becomes still. Clam engenders calm, and peace grows. Compassion fills every heart.
I begin this important work by searching within myself for simmering resentments, judgments and unkindness. With compassion, I forgive myself, softening the hardened parts of my heart. From this place, I need not wish for peace because I bring peace.
As each heart softens and opens to include all others, peace will blanket the Earth.”
This is a passage from a Daily Word publication that truly speaks to my heart. For this reason, I will read it as an opening for the upcoming Peace Walk in Calgary.
The law of Attraction states that what we focus on expands in our world. We have set Saturday, March 23rd at 2:00 pm Mtn as a time to focus on peace in our hearts and in the world.
If you are in Calgary that day, we invite you to join us at the north end of the Peace Bridge and take a short walk through downtown with us.
If you are elsewhere in the world that day, please take a short walk wherever you are (and invite friends and family to join you) to walk in the name of peace. (Preferably at the same time of 2pm Mtn so that you add to the energy of our focused attention – the more people who focus at one time, the bigger the ripple of peace that will emanate into the world.)
We will decorate rocks with messages of peace, love and joy, and leave them along the walk route, or gift them to passersby. We invite you to do the same.
We will also sing the song “Channel for Peace” our anthem for the walk each year, and maybe you’d like to sing it too. You can listen and learn the lyrics through this YouTube video.
Whether I see you at the Peace Bridge that day, or you email me at info@shindao.com to let me know you will be doing your own peace walk, I celebrate your participation with us. (You can also email me photos of your participation to the same info@shindao.com
“Go in Peace” is the 12th Shin Dao tenet (As channeled by Neil Thrussel) and I am honored to be a co-organizer for this 11th walk in Calgary. More details about the walk at peace.shindao.com